Academy Hour Certified Instructor Training Program
This training course will prepare you for the Academy Hour Certified Instructor exam, which will then certify you (upon passing) as an AHCI, enabling you to enroll in Academy Hour train-the-trainer programs, so that you can teach Academy Hour curriculum. Once you enroll in this training course you will have access to the training content for 60 days. The content consists of 10 hours of training, which you must complete within that 60 days.
This AHCI training course is a prerequisite, required to be completed prior to being able to enroll in any Academy Hour Train-the-Trainer programs. Once you have passed this AHCI program you will then select which Train-the-Trainer program(s) you would like to complete. Those TtT programs are separate enrollments, each with their own timeline and their own exam. Passing the exam for a Train-the-Trainer program will allow you access to teach Academy Hour curriculum for 1 year. You must renew your AHCI certification, and the Train-the-Trainer program access each year, in order to continue teaching Academy Hour curriculum.
All Academy Hour curriculum is protected by copyright, and may not be duplicated or amended in any way, at any time. By enrolling in this program you acknowledge and agree that you understand this and will comply with the copyright, no-duplication requirement.
Train-the-Trainer Programs Currently Available:
1. Certified Peer Support Leader and Certified Peer Support Teammate (one program)
2. COMING SOON: Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Postvention
If you have any questions PRIOR to enrolling, please let us know at [email protected].
Because of the proprietary nature of our train-the-trainer programs and our Academy Hour curriculum copyrights, no refunds will be given once and enrollment is processed, so please be sure and ask all questions before enrolling.