Train-the-Trainer: Certified Peer Support Leader & Teammate
When enrolling in this class, you will have access to the training content for 365 days (1 year). You must have passed the Academy Hour Certified Instructor (AHCI) program before enrolling in the TtT programs.
Enrolling in this training program opens access to the CPSL/CPST Train-the-Trainer online class.
First: You will complete all of the Certified Peer Support Leader training program in its online format.
Second: You will go through the online train-the-trainer videos and Instructor's Guide, with the PPTs presented as video content, in the online platform.
Third: You must pass the Train-the-Trainer exam, to show you understand the content and have the ability to teach it to others.
Fourth: Upon passing the exam, you will be given access to the CPSL/CPST Train-the-Trainer portal, where you will find everything you need in order to teach this training program to others. This includes non-downloadable PPT shows (to be presented using our copyrighted online viewer), the Instructor's Guide, your student sign-in link, your student feedback evaluation link, flyers to customize for your class, form to request Academy Hour handle your registration process, graphics for social media marketing of your class, student workbooks order form, etc.
If you have any questions PRIOR to enrolling, please let us know at [email protected].
Because of the proprietary nature of our train-the-trainer programs and our Academy Hour curriculum copyrights, no refunds will be given once and enrollment is processed, so please be sure and ask all questions before enrolling.